Режиссер: Константин Богомолов
Произведение: Теллурия,
Владимир Сорокин

О вере

О даосизме
Taoists do share one basic insight – that, while all other things move spontaneously on the course proper to them, man has stunted and maimed his spontaneous aptitude by the habit of distinguishing alternatives, the right and the wrong, benefit and harm, self and others, and reasoning in order to judge between them.
Ангус Грэм (Chuang-tzu. The Inner Chapters. By A.C. Graham. Hackett Publishing Co., Indianapolis/Cambridge, 2011.)
Об особенностях учения Чжуан-цзы
"For Chuang-tzu the fundamental error is to suppose that life presents us with issues which must be formulated in words so that we can envisage alternatives and find reasons for preferring one to the other".

"With the abandonment of fixed goals, the dissolution of rigid categories, the focus of attention roams freely over the endlessly changing panorama, and responses spring directly from the energies inside us".
"For Chuang-tsu this is an immense liberation, a launching out of the confines of self into a realm without limits. A world which regularly quickens the rhythm of his writing is yu, ‘roam, travel’, used rather like the ‘trip’ of psychedelic slang: ‘Going rambling without a destination’."
Ангус Грэм (Chuang-tzu. The Inner Chapters. By A.C. Graham. Hackett Publishing Co., Indianapolis/Cambridge, 2011.)
О Чжуан-цзы
Slightly hair-raising sensation of the man so much himself that, rather than rebelling against conventional modes of thinking, he seems free of them by birthright.
Ангус Грэм (Chuang-tzu. The Inner Chapters. By A.C. Graham. Hackett Publishing Co., Indianapolis/Cambridge, 2011.)